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The Real Dirt on Family Farms

It had not yet begun to rain when we left the dog at the vet and Jonas started into town to return the trailer. Three days on River Run Farm & Pottery in Kentucky and Mattie had had her share of adventures: She had chased down several sheep, nipping at their heels, endlessly “herding” them before […]

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Right In Our Backyard

Last weekend I attended the Urban Ecology Extravaganza right here in little ol’ Altadena, CA. I have lived in Altadena since 2004 and not too much happens here (which is a good thing, mostly) but over the last six months Altadena has established a certified organic & local Farmers’ Market on Wednesdays 3pm-7pm  and a […]

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Start Where You Are!

I recognize there are a whole mess of people out there that are up for the idea of living a sustainable lifestyle but they have no idea where to start. And,  understandably, they simply cannot hit the road to do the research and get some hands-on experience in the principles of permaculture, organic farming and […]

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Living for a Living

The closer we get to our departure date, the deeper I question “what drives me to make this sort of change?” Oh sure, six months ago, still in the abstract, it sounded like a great idea, but the realities of selling off all our unneeded stuff, determining what must (and can) come with us and packing the […]

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Promote What You Love

I had been struggling to start this blog for a very, very long time. I knew that once we were on the road, there would be plenty of How To’s and interesting anecdotes to share. But, right now it’s just me and JC trying to figure out how to unhitch ourselves from our lifestyle and […]

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