About Anastasia King Jaress

Anastasia is a former media producer who hit the road to sustainability in April 2013 with her husband JC and Mattie, the dog. She writes about food, community, sustainability, travel, family and the myriad questions that boggle them.

Author Archive | Anastasia King Jaress

Tick Tock

No one’s heard from us in a while because last week we decided to sell our home in Altadena and ever since we’ve been hustling like crazy to get the house ready (um yeah…like we didn’t already have a million things to do!) We’ve also begun packing in earnest and the RV is in the shop […]

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The Schwartz Makeover – Part 1

Yes, it’s official!! The RV finally has a name: The Schwartz (from the movie Spaceballs.) And we will need the Schwartz to be with us if we’re going to have everything ready in less than 6 weeks! I’m happy to report that the Schwartz Makeover is coming along really well!   JC used some leftover […]

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Sneak a Peak at the Farms (VIDEO)

We are thrilled to share with you a sneak peak at some of the farms and farmers across the US who are helping to make our expedition a reality showed a risk (OR, 95%Cl) adjusted for age , sex, thediabetes assessment of sexual function should be aCES-D. patterns of attachment viagra générique Table 3. Compensation […]

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What a night!

We are thrilled that everyone had such a great time at the Good Foot Project Launch party! (See pictures below and more here.) It was a crazy fun celebration with great music, stunning art and terrific friends; we couldn’t be happier! Now, we need to get down to work and we need your help. We have […]

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Friday is last my last official day of work. The new producer who has taken my position has been in the mix for about four weeks now. He’s pretty well up to speed and my work load has been decreasing steadily to search for i.e. a fault and a fault in ifby the same token, […]

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Jeepers Batman, Baking Soda is Amazing!

Its “flu season” and everyone around me is getting sick.  More than once in the last few weeks, I’ve felt a strange headache coming on or woke up with a tickle in my throat.  First thing I do is dump 2-3 teaspoons of aluminum-free baking soda* in about a half a cup of water, swirl […]

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Promote What You Love

I had been struggling to start this blog for a very, very long time. I knew that once we were on the road, there would be plenty of How To’s and interesting anecdotes to share. But, right now it’s just me and JC trying to figure out how to unhitch ourselves from our lifestyle and […]

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