What a night!

861750_10151342554245886_2081049942_nWe are thrilled that everyone had such a great time at the Good Foot Project Launch party! (See pictures below and more here.) It was a crazy fun celebration with great music, stunning art and terrific friends; we couldn’t be happier!

Now, we need to get down to work and we need your help.

We have less than 7 weeks before our departure date. (Yikes!)

Can you help us make our solar power dreams come true?

Just visit our IndieGoGo page and select your perk

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. It’s that simple!

So many people have generously offered us their support; IndieGoGo makes it possible for us to give back. From seed packets and oil paintings to expedition-driven postcards and archival photo prints – there is something for everyone (and every wallet!)


Erin Powers in a rare live performance. With DJ Moop on turntables and Matt Gerald on congas (not pictured.)

Are you looking for a one-of-a-kind gift idea? Distinctive greeting cards? Or an original piece of artwork to hang in your home or office?

Stop by the Good Foot IndieGoGo page and check out our perks – the answer is waiting for you!

Already grabbed your perk?  Maybe there’s someone else in your life who would find something they love.  Share the link!

And, again, THANK YOU! We could never do this without your support – our community rocks!

Best & Warmest,

Anastasia & JC


Singular vocalist Jody Jaress hit all the right notes with Karen Hernandez on keys/bass, Gary Bivona on trumpet, Matt Watson on harmonica, and Dave Hopkins on congas.


The crowd enthralled by Jody Jaress and band.


JC with Antioch pal Michael and his wife Heather.


JC and I attempting (and failing) to say a brief word. Step away from the mic!


The wonderful Kathryn Autin (right) and friends.


Kristin and Michael Dunlavy, effervescent as ever.


Aaron Bullock (center), Michael Shores (right) and friend.


Debra Bergman, Kristin Knisely and Lilla Godlewski.


Brian Knudsen and Andrea Olsen.


Emily James and her husband, the incomparable, DJ Moop.


Chris Fudurich of Two Guns made the room sound great!


(From left) Photographer, Bjorn, Vicky Virtuoso, Kristin English, and Kristin Knisely.


JC with fellow artist, John Slater.


Thanks again to all of the beautiful people who joined us! 

About Anastasia King Jaress

Anastasia is a former media producer who hit the road to sustainability in April 2013 with her husband JC and Mattie, the dog. She writes about food, community, sustainability, travel, family and the myriad questions that boggle them.

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