Knight Rider and KITT. Capt. Kirk and the USS Enterprise. And us? – name that RV.

P1120846When we first decided to take this expedition, I jumped at the chance to go RV hunting. I searched CraigsList twice a day from San Diego to Fresno for over two months looking for a fairly-clean, mechanically-sound, used RV

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. Then I spent several weeks driving a few old, smelly clunkers (the online photos were often as current as profile pics). When I finally found what I thought to be “the one”, a series of unreturned phone calls and delays and other “interested parties” worked to keep us apart but, eventually, patience and persistence prevailed  and we are now the proud owners of a 24-foot 1999 Ford Jamboree!


Our new highway vessel has a few grandma-ish elements that, cute as they are, we have elected to update – so take one last look at the denim, moose and pine trees. She’ll be back soon after a mild makeover. And with a new name – any suggestions?


About JC Jaress

JC Jaress has been looking for something his entire life and he's pretty sure it's been looking for him as well. Whether they find each other is not nearly important as the little dance they're doing.

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9 Responses to Knight Rider and KITT. Capt. Kirk and the USS Enterprise. And us? – name that RV.

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