Please Welcome Our New Addition! [PHOTOS]


Old Broke-Down Barn near Gamaliel, KY

We’ve finally figured out how to post a photo gallery to the site! Please visit our new addition at: IMAGES.

This page holds albums that contain many of the photos from our trip. If you’ve visited our Facebook page, you’ve probably already seen most of these, but take a visit anyway

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. And make some comments! We’d love to hear from you!


Our Best,

Anastasia & JC

About Anastasia King Jaress

Anastasia is a former media producer who hit the road to sustainability in April 2013 with her husband JC and Mattie, the dog. She writes about food, community, sustainability, travel, family and the myriad questions that boggle them.

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2 Responses to Please Welcome Our New Addition! [PHOTOS]

  1. Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ereg() in /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-content/themes/canvas/includes/theme-comments.php:63 Stack trace: #0 /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-content/themes/canvas/includes/theme-comments.php(19): the_commenter_link() #1 /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-includes/class-walker-comment.php(179): custom_comment(Object(WP_Comment), Array, 1) #2 /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php(144): Walker_Comment->start_el('', Object(WP_Comment), 1, Array) #3 /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-includes/class-walker-comment.php(139): Walker->display_element(Object(WP_Comment), Array, 1, 0, Array, '') #4 /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-includes/class-wp-walker.php(332): Walker_Comment->display_element(Object(WP_Comment), Array, 1, 0, Array, '') #5 /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-includes/comment-template.php(2203): Walker->paged_walk(Array, -1, 0, 0, Array) #6 /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-content/themes/canvas/comments.php(43): wp_list_comments(Array) #7 /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-includes/comment-tem in /home/64/69/3036964/web/wp-content/themes/canvas/includes/theme-comments.php on line 63